PDF – Handle with Care

Over the last several months the use of PDF files as a delivery vehicle for malware and fraud has increased dramatically. The general use of PDF’s has increased over time and so it’s no surprise they are being used as a delivery vehicle. Many users think of PDFs as a “safe” document type and therefore may be more likely to download a PDF from a website and open it or open a PDF attached to an email message.

PDF files infected with malware or containing links to fraudulent websites can be stunningly realistic and can fool even the most experienced internet user. Add it to your list of threats to look out for.

What can you do?

The best advice is to take a Best Practices approach like installing anti-virus software on your internet devices, being cautious with email attachments and careful about downloading files. You can also use an email service that includes effective spam and malware filtering like Alpine Email, Premium Email or Exchange®.

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