Alpine Hosting Backups Print

  • Alpine Hosting, Backups
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What is included in Automatic Daily Backups?

In a nutshell, everything needed to fully restore your account is backed up. This includes all files, databases, email messages and configuration files.

What is not backed up?

The following file types are not included in daily backups:


When do backups run?

Every night beginning at approximately 2:00am EST.

Where are backups stored?

Daily backups are stored:

  • Locally on a dedicated backup drive for rapind access
  • Remotely in the Amazon Cloud for reliability

How many days of backups are available?

Seven daily and two weekly backups are stored on the backup drive and in the Amazon Cloud.

Do Automatic Daily Backups count towards my account disk quota?

No, Automatic Daily Backups are not counted toward account quotas.

What other options exist for creating backups?

Alpine Hosting Customers have two options:

On Demand Backups

cPanel includes a Backup Utility which allows customers to download full and partial backups.

  • Full account backups can be created and downloaded at any time.
  • Public HTML directory can be created and downloaded at any time.
  • Database backups can be created and downloaded at any time.
  • Email forwarders can be created and downloaded at any time.
  • Email Filters can be downloaded at any time.
  • On demaind backups stored locally will count towards your accounts Disk Quota.

Installatron Backups

  • The Installatron Application Installation Utility is also available in the cPanel interface.
  • Installatron provides an advanced set of tools for installing, maintaining and backing up your critical applications and data.
  • Installatron Backups stored locally count towards your accounts Disk Quota.
  • See the Installatron section of our Knowledgebase for more details.

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