Windows Mobile: MobileSync Configuration Skriv ut

  • Windows, Windows Mobile, MobileSync
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This article will assist you with setting up your Windows Mobile or Tablet device, using Mobile Sync, for your Hosted Mailbox.

    1. Tap the Windows button and locate the Settings option from the Application Menu

    2. Tap email+accounts

    3. Tap add an account

    4. Tap advanced setup

    5. Enter the following details:

Email Address:


      Your mailbox password

  1. Tap sign in

  2. Tap Exchange ActiveSync

  3. Enter the following details:

    User name:
    Domain: Leave this blank

  • Tap sign in.
  • Now you're done! Your mailbox should begin syncing within a few minutes.

Don't forget about your other devices! Click here to set up a computer, tablet, or phone.

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